Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The hobby is one of the very few birds

The hobby is one of the very few birds of prey capable of outflying swifts; perhaps at a speed approaching 100mph. The literature presents a full catalogue of victims, extending to escaped budgerigars which are taken regularly.

Its long narrow wings and relatively short tail help it to be very agile and aerobatic. The plumage is slate grey above, with dark longitudinal stripes below and red under-tail coverts. The chin and cheeks are white with a prominent moustachial stripe. Young birds are browner and lack the red under-tail coverts.

Length: 30-36cm; wingspan: 82-92cm

Status in UK
2,200 pairs, increasing; GREEN listed; summer visitor, normally arrives in the south of England in late April/early May

Population trends
Towards the end of the 19th century hobbies were confined to England south of a line from the Severn to the Humber. There were occasional records as far north as Yorkshire and even Perthshire.
During the first half of the 1900s their range contracted and the first Atlas of Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland: 1968-1971 indicated about 100 pairs confined to heaths and downs in south-central England. Their absence from East Anglia was explained by the lack of crows and magpies, as they take over their old nests.

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Tips On Choosing The Right Bird Food For Summer Birds

Having a bird as pet in your home is an overwhelming experience. More so when you are very close to birds and animals. Like animals birds are also of different species, thus of different shapes, sizes and colors. Whatever be their species, they all need proper nutritional diet to spend a healthy life. When in wild, these birds get their food from nature and its sources like herbs and shrubs. But for the pet birds, the idea is not always same. Now you as a bird owner must be thinking that what would be a healthy and right bird food for your pet?

The answer is simple, providing foods that is rich in all nutritional supplements is ideal for all bird types. The bird has to be fed with the optimum diet required for its healthy growth. So what is that optimum diet and how lies the difference between wild bird food and pet bird food? According to the experts all seed only diet is good for pet birds while the foods that are green and rich in nutritional supplements are good for both wild and pet bird species. Generally the seed foods lack important nutrients required for birds like Vitamin A and C but are rich in fat contents. Because of this the seeds has to be adjusted with one tenth of the diet.

However there are some bird species like the Budgies and Cockatoos that are innate seed eaters and can consume about one quarter of the seed as part of their overall diet. So if you have pet a parrot then try to provide only those foods to your bird that can keep it healthily and a ever happy companion for you. Some people like to feed the wild birds with the foods of their choice. So if you have a garden where you like to provide your bird with vagaries of foods then options are ample for you. The common ones include Mixed Seed, Sunflower Hearts/Seeds, Niger (Thistle) Seed, Mealworms, Peanuts, Fat/Energy Balls, Suet Blocks & Pellets, Multi-Buy Bird Food/Feeders. These are basically the garden bird food that you can keep in your garden.

For many, year round bird feeding is a favorite past time. The birders that provide the summer feeding stations can attract more birds than their cold weather counterparts. However the number of birds attracted from that food is comparatively less. This summer food will also attract variety of migratory birds adding color and diversity to the the warm weather feeding stations. Of all these, one of the most common summer bird food is sugar water nectar for almost all bird types. As this makes them feel the taste of flower nectar which is favorite bird delight during summers.

In summer you can feed your bird with the live and fresh food. In this way the summer feeding will provide you a unique and enjoyable experience.

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